Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lovin the E3 and the ODST

Devil has been doing an awesome job keeping us up to date on the happenings over at E3. The Star Wars Old Republic video is just S I C K. And I do have to steal some credit as I was the one to send it to him in the first place. But he blogged it and I sometimes have a hard time embedding videos - but all that really matters is that the video kicks ass.

I really dig the Modern Warfare 2 game play video too. They didn't even cheat - they were playing live on stage!! I wonder how many times I would have fallen off that cliff ledge . . .

Bungie has also been revealing more details about ODST almost daily. I watched a video where the Firefight game mode was better explained and also showed some game play. It looks really cool. I cant wait to play it. I will post one pic of a firefight screen and try to explain it a little. So look at the following picture and then read on for more details.So if you click on the pic, you should get a larger view of it. It displays the normal HUD view you get as a player in ODST, but you will also notice some additional icons. First, on the upper right is the scoring. Pretty simple - its the skull multiplyer plus your score and how long the game has lasted. On the upper left shows your squad stats. Your squad of four gets 7 total lives. Once the seven lives run out, the game is over. Also, each wave is five parts. So the boxes show what part of the wave you are on. Finally, there are the skulls. These are the game skulls from Halo 2 and 3. They are activated as you progress to make the game more difficult - and also enhance your scoring.

Also, it was explained that the Covenant baddies in Firefight will be extremely aggressive and come after you. You may want to plan your strategy around that. It also means, look for ammo reloads anytime you can find them. It doesn't sound like you are going to have a lot of time to go looking. And there will also be a whole new set of achievements for ODST and medals and awards. ODST will also have its own integrated stats coverage on Bungie. So you can see how good (or bad) you are and compare yourself to your friends. ODST comes out on September 22, 2009. Price is $59.99 - and if you pre-order it, you will get a token to unlock Sgt. Johnson for game play. Nice!!

And finally - just a few more screen captures I did from the ODST game play trailer. Enjoy.

Hope to get these and more pics up on HaloFriday soon. So keep checking in for the latest and greatest news from the Prophets.


**Devil's Edit:
Here is the Firefight developer walkthrough presented by Bungie privately to the media at E3 courtesy of Gametrailers. Again you can also find this on in HD.

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