Monday, March 23, 2009

Thanks to the Prophets!

Just wanted to say a special Thank You to the Prophets for making the trek out to Warsaw Thursday for the wake.

It really meant a lot to me for you guys to be there.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sidewalk Etiquette - Is It Really So Hard??

If I'm not mistaken, we live in the United States of America. And while I understand that gives us the freedoms to do pretty much anything, it also means we follow certain rules and regulations. Lets use driving as an example. When you are driving your car (or SUV or hybrid or motorcycle) the law says to drive on the right side of the road. It is a very simple and accepted practice. It prevents confusion, allows for easy transit on roads and protects those around you.

Now, lets jump ahead. You have reached your destination, parked your vehicle and are now walking to your destination. You happen to have to travel a few blocks to get to where you are going, but there is a sidewalk for your convenience. Now for the million dollar question. How do you treat the sidewalk?? Do you walk down the middle, taking up as much space as humanly possible??? Do you walk on the left side, even though you see other people walking towards you?? Or, do you apply common sense and keep to the right??

I ask this question in all seriousness because apparently, there are a lot of people out there who do not know the correct answer. So for all of you sidewalk pedestrians out there, KEEP TO THE RIGHT. I will say it again in case you didn't hear me. KEEP TO THE RIGHT. Is it really that difficult to do?? Keeping to the right allows multiple sidewalk walkers the ability to pass one another without any confusion, or someone having to get out of the way or simply crashing into one another.

Yet, time after time, as I walk from my parking lot into my place of employment I am confronted by left side walkers. Then I have to get out of their way. The look of confusion on their faces as I pass them shaking my head is amazing. They have no clue of how big an idiot they are. So please, remember, a sidewalk should be treated the same as a roadway. Keep to the right!!

The same can be applied to malls too - but I will save that for another day.

Next on my list is people who ignore cross walks and the pedestrians in them. Before I write that one, please take a moment to think about it before you do it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

TO (Terrell Owens) Now A Buffalo Bill

OK, so I heard this rumor the other day that TO had signed with the Bills. I think I was laying on the couch just waking up from a nap, so I didn't really understand what I had just heard. As I began to become more awake, there was an actual Sports Center blurb about it. I sat up and exclaimed "HOLY SHIT!"

So now that I have had the a few nights for it to sink in, I think it is a great deal for Buffalo. Lets forget that TO has a tendency to be a bit eccentric and sometimes selfish. He is a STAR NFL player, a sure thing future Hall of Famer. He has tremendous football skills and if nothing else, he will put Buffalo on the map.

Make no mistake, Buffalo is a small market team scraping to survive in the modern NFL. They have loyal, rabid fans. Signing a marquee player like Owens is one of the best things the team has done in years. I can't wait for training camp this summer - its going to be a circus.

As for what TO will do on the field?? I don't care!! I'm not sure his playing style fits with the way the Bills run their offense, but it certainly won't hurt. It should free up Lee Evans and take some of the pressure of Marshawn Lynch (assuming he isn't suspended too long for his little gun problem in California). And, history has shown that TO has been great for whatever team he is on in his first year. This is a one year deal and I think its a great deal.

Welcome to Western New York Mr. Owens!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Is Why I Hate (Okay, Strongly Dislike) The Wii

And at the same time LOVE the British! (You'll understand when you see the video)

My problem with the Wii is thus:

Besides the fact that they don't have any truly original, immersive, or GOOD games to play, is that the ones that they get you to
want to buy, you need an entirely separate, expensive, wireless Wii-cessory with a cord, to play the -blam- game they tricked you into needing in the first place!

That's where this video hits the damn thing -- right between the ii's.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Terminator Salvation Trailer Just Exploded My Pants

Seriously, I'm sitting here with smoking remains of pants scattered all around me. If this movie is as good as the trailer sets the stage for, I will be one pleased Sci-Fi geek. I'll need to be prepared with extra trousers when this comes out. The combination of this, Watchmen, Transformers 2, and Star Trek, will probably lead to some serious pants issues for me in 2009.

There has been a lot said about Terminator: Salvation, some good some not so good. Christian Bale is clearly a bit eccentric (and by 'a bit' I mean the meter seems pegged lately), but I continue to love him on screen. So far McG seems to have done everything right if the trailer is to be believed. I guess we just have to wait until May, 21 to be sure. Until then, watch this trailer with some new COOL tidbits scattered about. But please, we're warning you, your pants may spontaneously explode. Maybe just watch it without pants.

No - sorry, that's a bit creepy. Pants on, take your chances...


Biggie size it