Monday, March 9, 2009

TO (Terrell Owens) Now A Buffalo Bill

OK, so I heard this rumor the other day that TO had signed with the Bills. I think I was laying on the couch just waking up from a nap, so I didn't really understand what I had just heard. As I began to become more awake, there was an actual Sports Center blurb about it. I sat up and exclaimed "HOLY SHIT!"

So now that I have had the a few nights for it to sink in, I think it is a great deal for Buffalo. Lets forget that TO has a tendency to be a bit eccentric and sometimes selfish. He is a STAR NFL player, a sure thing future Hall of Famer. He has tremendous football skills and if nothing else, he will put Buffalo on the map.

Make no mistake, Buffalo is a small market team scraping to survive in the modern NFL. They have loyal, rabid fans. Signing a marquee player like Owens is one of the best things the team has done in years. I can't wait for training camp this summer - its going to be a circus.

As for what TO will do on the field?? I don't care!! I'm not sure his playing style fits with the way the Bills run their offense, but it certainly won't hurt. It should free up Lee Evans and take some of the pressure of Marshawn Lynch (assuming he isn't suspended too long for his little gun problem in California). And, history has shown that TO has been great for whatever team he is on in his first year. This is a one year deal and I think its a great deal.

Welcome to Western New York Mr. Owens!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a complete skeptic. I don't think that this is the big missing piece that the Bills are looking for. Granted he is a talented player. But who is going to throw to him, Trent Edwards? Trent was only OK last year. And before Trent can throw the ball, there's supposed to be an offensive line to protect him. There has not been so much of that lately. lastly there's the fact that it's TO. He has been a locker room cancer since he joined the league. So now he's supposed to be the savior? Not sure. To me if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it probably is a TO.
