Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Midnight Madness And Lack Of Sleep

Yesterday I mentioned that I was going to go to Gamestop at midnight to pick up my preordered copy of ODST. Well, I did it. I went down there at 10PM because they called me this past weekend and let me know that I could come down at 10 and process my transaction so that at midnight, I would not have to wait in line. So at 10 I said to myself, I'm just going to run down there and peek to see if there is a big crowd. When I got there, it was really slow with only a couple of kids loitering around chatting up the employees. So I thought, why not. I paid my balance, got my receipt and headed back home to kill the next two hours. Once midnight approached, I headed back down and much to my (happy) surprise, there was close to 20 'kids' waiting in line. There was even a mom and a dad there to approve the M-rated game and they both did so without hesitation.

As the clock struck 12 they they started calling names for the people that had pre-processed at 10PM. I was the 5th name called, they handed me a shiny new copy of ODST and the Sgt Johnson token, I then jumped in my car and by 12:10 was watching the opening cutscene.

Overall it was a fairly painless procedure, not counting the late bedtime, and I then stayed up till 1am playing. Five (easy) achievements and just under an hour of gameplay was all I could muster. I had to force myself away or I would have pulled an all-nighter, and at this point in my life - that ain't happenin'. And let me be perfectly clear, if the Gamestop was not less than a 90-second drive from my house, none of this would have even been a consideration!

So as soon as I get home tonight, have some dinner with my wife and then walk the dog, I'm back into New Mombasa looking for CLUES! Oh, and AMMO! Holy cripes that stuff is SCARCE!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Who Is Going To Their Local Gamestop Tonight At Midnight To Get ODST?


Yes, I am going to go get my preordered copy of Halo 3: ODST tonight at midnight when my friendly neighborhood Gamestop re-opens for the big release extravaganza. I figured, hey, why not? I have never been to a store at midnight for an album release party, or to get 1st row concert tickets, or gotten that first copy of the game that I wanted (Standing in line to see the midnight showing of a Star Wars movie doesn't count. Everybody did that, right? ...RIGHT???). So now, as someone who is a gamer that just crossed into the 40-and-over demographic, with disposable income to make it happen, and as a youth never did the midnight release party thing... I'm going to go and report back on how it was. Do I really need to do this? Will I play the game at 12:05 am when I get back home??

HELL NO! I'm going to bed. We oldsters have to get solid sleep or else we can't function at our JOBS. But it will be there for me on Tuesday when I get home from said WORK and I can fire it up as soon as I consume some gaming fuel like pasta or half a loaf of bread and a pound of butter. You need your carbs before starting a marathon gaming session. Keeps you sharp. That and the bottle of Tennessee Whisky that is used to wash it all down...

Recap of how it went tomorrow... Gameplay thoughts on Wednesday (official review on HaloFriday.com). Wish me luck!!!
