Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Few Things on My Mind

It seems every year we are hit with ridiculous new laws and regulations aimed at "improving" our lives. How many of them have actually helped us?? I will use HAVA as an example.

HAVA is the Help Americans Vote Act. It was a poorly thought out, knee-jerk reaction to the 2000 election because of the poor ballot used in the state of Florida. It has forced every state to buy new voting machines that are "modern" and work "better" than the old ones. Of course, there were hundreds of millions of dollars set aside by the government to pay for this. But as we all know, that money comes from our taxes. Its been a total and complete disaster - I would term it an utter failure. Many states are on their second or third different system since HAVA was enacted. And the machines chosen (actually forced) for New York are the biggest pieces of crap I have ever seen.

So let me tell you what I think the government should be enacting. This is just my opinion, but to me they make sense.

First thing the governement should do is make all car and SUV bumpers a uniform height. How many people do you know (including yourself) who have had a minor fender bender, but one car ended up totally demolished because the hit wasnt bumper to bumper?? Think about it - if they improved the structural rigidity of bumpers and made them the same height, there would be a lot less damage to vehicles. This would mean: lower insurance, lower repair bills, no more rubber-necking from gawkers looking at an accident. It just makes sense!!

Second is they should make cell phone companies create one universal charger. Again, you are over at your buddy's place and your cell phone dies. You forgot your charger - but your friend has the almost the exact same phone. Hey Fred, can I use your charger?? Sure - what phone do you have?? Its the Vibra 250 model X. Oh damn - I have the Vibra 250 model Z - its a different charger. WHAT???? Are you kidding me?? Every phone has a damn different charger!! Design one damn charger and make ALL the phone companies use that one! Problem solved - end of discussion.

Maybe some day common sense will be applied to the things in our lives - but until then, we are stuck with what we got. Thanks for listening


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