Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Construction Zones and You

If you live in Rochester you should know that road construction happens almost year round. So here we are in year 3 of the I 490 project. Both the westbound and eastbound lanes are reduced to 2 lanes each way. The speed limit is 45 mph. There is a reason for this. First, there are construction workers very close to the lanes. Give these guys a break. Just because you are late is no reason to put them at risk. Second, the lanes are not quite as large as usual. This means you have to drive closer together and closer to the temporary barriers. So there really is no need to drive 60 through the zone.

Now, as you approach the zone you will notice different lane striping on the road as well. Again, this is done for a very specific reason - to help moderate traffic flow. Here is a very simple rule to follow. If the stripe is solid it means no crossing it. If the stripe is dashed it means its ok to change lanes. I will give you an example. As you are merging onto 490 East from 390 South, you have to merge over one lane. You will notice there is a very large and very thick solid white stripe on the road. That means do not merge until the line becomes dashed. It really is that simple! Then, as the lane jigs over to the westbound side, again, the line is painted solid here. This means once again, that you should stay in your lane until the line becomes dashed once again.

Just one other tidbit. I know I said the lanes are not quite as wide and there are concrete temporary barriers on either side. BUT there is still enough room in each lane for your vehicle. You do not have to drive down the middle of both lanes not to hit the barriers.

If everyone followed these simple rules (LAW is actually a better term) traffic would flow a lot better and we would all be safer and happier. Thank you and have a nice day.


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