Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are YOU a Geek?

If you are here you may be. Fortunately there's a way to know for sure. Gizmodo has posted the GSAT, The Geek Social Aptitude Test. It's an easy test, 50 questions, give yourself a point if that question applies to you and add 'em up when done. I scored a 9, which means I'm at the top of the cool scale, but sort of a geeky cool James Dean if he were alive and read blogs about games but not so cool as to actually BE James Dean. I can live with that I guess. I'm secure in my level of geekdom and know that I'm at least not on the pathetic scale. You're going to want to score low on this one if you think you have any cool in you. Be careful though, It's easy to get to 11 at which point you might as well move back in with mom.

GSAT: The Geek Social Aptitude Test




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